Duke Nukem Forever is an upcoming first-person shooter video game for the Microsoft Windows, PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 systems, currently which is in development by Gearbox Software, it is a sequel game Duke Nukem 3D which is released in 1990,As Duke Nukem video game is long-running series.Originally in development under 3D Realms, director George Broussard, one of the creators of the original Duke Nukem game, first announced the title's .Duke Nukem forever will Release date in North America on May 3, 2011 and Internationally on May 6, 2011.
Below are the best wallpaper of Duke Nukem forever wallpaper as its fresh trailer had fascinated the gamers I hope these wallpaper do it to

Below are the best wallpaper of Duke Nukem forever wallpaper as its fresh trailer had fascinated the gamers I hope these wallpaper do it to

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